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​Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church


About Our Church



Our church is a Protestant Christian church and has nothing to do with Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, or the Unification Church.

Isao Eriguchi.jpg
Koichi Kondo.jpg
Isao Eriguchi
​Lead Pastor
​Koichi Kondo







1. 聖書のみ


2. 恵みのみ


3. 信仰のみ







What is the Lutheran Church:

In 1517, Martin Luther reformed the religion in Germany, creating a Protestant church against the Roman Catholic Church.

The Lutheran Church spread from Germany to Scandinavia, to the United States, and eventually to the whole world, preaching the gospel as a traditional Christian church that follows the Lutheran tradition.

Missions began in Japan during the Meiji era, and there are now churches all over Japan.


Features of the Lutheran Church:

 1. Bible only

We believe that only the Bible, which bears witness to Jesus Christ as our Savior, is the only perfect norm of faith and life.


 2. Grace only

We believe that we are saved by God's one-sided grace, not by human good deeds.


3. Faith only

We believe that God's grace can only be received by faith in Jesus Christ.


Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church:

It is a church formed by the Norwegian Missionary Society of Japan (NMS) and the Norwegian Lutheran Free Church of Japan (LFCN).

NMS is a missionary organization that follows the tradition of the Norwegian Church supervision system organized in 1842, and LFCN is an organization that was organized in 1877 and has adopted the Presbyterian system in its home country.


NMS and LFCF started their missionary activities in China (then the Republic of China) in the early 20th century, and continued their missionary activities even in the mid-20th century despite the political instability of the country. In 1951, he abandoned his missionary activities in China and switched to Japan.


Then, on November 3, 1961, the Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church was born by gathering 14 churches of NMS and LFCN who had been preaching in the Kinki region, and the Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church was approved on November 3, 1980.

Sakurai Lutheran Church

​電話 / Phone:  0744-42-3593

Eメール / Email:

住所 / Address:

〒633-0007 ​奈良県桜井市外山376-1

367-1 Tobi, Sakurai, Nara 633-0007

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